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IGHAConnectionManager Interface

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Defines the connection manager

Namespace:  RemoteLib
Assembly:  RemoteLib (in RemoteLib.dll) Version: (
public interface IGHAConnectionManager

The IGHAConnectionManager type exposes the following members.

Public methodConnect
Connects to the specified GHA Server
Public methodDisconnect
Disconnect from a GHA Server
Public methodGetBindings
Returns all bindings currently in the GHA Server bindings database
Public methodGetDrivers
Returns all available drivers installed on the connected GHA Server
Public methodGetGHAVersion
Returns the version of the connected GHA Server
Public methodSubscribeToDebugEvents
Subscribes to debugging events associated with the GHA Scripting and Module subsystem
Public methodSubscribeToMessageEvents
Subscribes to message events from the GHA server. Can be used to pop-up messages to users
See Also